Tag Archives: repair

Tackling DIY A/C Repair

The dash air conditioning in our motorhome was broken and I saw there was a leak from the fitting going into the compressor. Everyone I called to fix it wanted to remove the 40 foot lines from the RV and take them to a shop to install the new fittings. This would have cost $400-500 dollars so I decided to fix the connector myself with the mastercool hyrda-krimp a/c crimping tool.

I needed to upgrade to the $300 dollar crimping tool because I wanted to do the work in the engine bay and not at a vise, but the cheaper ones work just as well.

The $140 dollar crimping tool:
My manifold gauge:
The more expensive crimping tool I bought:

Onan Generator Troubleshooting and Repair

The RV is still in the shop (long story) and the trailer is still being built, so I’m sort of in between projects. I worked on this Onan Marquis 7000 generator for a little extra money and thought it might be interesting to some of you.

Note: This is NOT the generator from our RV. This is from a stage trailer that my church bought.

When I got the generator it wasn’t running. Once I got it running it wouldn’t produce any power. It turned out the carbs were all gunked up, the voltage regulator was bad, and the brushes needed cleaning.

$1100 Dollars in Fluids/Filters! (Buying an RV Without Service History)

Before we take our ’99 Monaco Dynasty on the road, I decided to perform a full maintenance service. I quickly learned there was more involved than I first thought. Over $1000 dollars in fluids/ filters and 2 weeks of research led me to this…

By the end of the weekend I changed the oil, air, and fuel filter in our Onan 7500 generator. Changed the fluid and filters in the hydraulic system, and replaced the fuel filters and diesel engine oil.

Progress on the Mercedes

We spent 4th of July on the beach so there wasn’t enough time to complete a project in the shop. We thought instead of no video, we’d share our afternoon together working on the Mercedes A/C system.

I bought the kit to convert the ACCII climate control to electronic on eBay for $250 bucks. Unfortunately, it was missing a part, so we couldn’t getting working for you in this video. We’ll post a short update whenever it’s fully functional.