Category Archives: Philosophy

Work-Life Imbalance?

Today we ask the question: does Casey Neistat work too much? If you haven’t already, be sure to watch his daily vlogs. In this video we explore whether or not work life balance is important to our generation or are we just looking for meaningful work?

Casey’s Channel –
Casey’s Studio –
Casey’s App –
Study Link –

How Do You View Money?

There are some people who seem to attract money and opportunities, and some people who work hard but never get ahead. Why is that? In this video we discuss the differences between viewing money from a position of weakness and a position of strength.

Ultimately money should not be the goal. Instead money is a tool to help you achieve what matters most to you.

How to Think About Money –

Financial Rules Meant to Be Broken

Sometimes common financial wisdom isn’t so wise. Occasionally, rules of thumb are meant to be broken. In this video we discuss the personal finance rules that we break.

Most of the time, the money advice you’ll hear on TV and magazines is so bad you’ll end up in debt because debt is normal for most Americans. We think just because it’s normal doesn’t make it OK.

If you follow the golden rule, spend less than you earn, you have a much better argument for breaking traditional advice.

How Much Is Your Free Time Worth?

Is it easy or hard for you to turn down overtime at work? Do you value your free time the same as your hourly wage? We don’t think it’s that simple. In this video we go over the 3 questions we ask ourselves before spending a lot of time on something:

1. Is the time spent pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant?
2. Will the time spent make you a better person?
3. Will the time spent contribute to learning to skills or physical activity?

If the answer is “yes” to any of those three questions, then we feel it doesn’t necessarily need to yield a positive financial gain. What do you think?

Creating Is More Rewarding than Consuming

I think it’s healthy for a person to practice introspection from time to time. If nothing else, so they can answer for themselves…why? What makes you get up every morning, why do you act the way that you do? We’re asked “why?” all the time, and in this video we attempt to answer that question.

Why do we want to retire early?
Why do we make YouTube videos?
Why do you build complex solutions to simple problems?

After thinking through everything, we realized the reason is because?creating is more rewarding than consuming. In fact, a study published by the American Journal of Public Health, found that making art/things is actually a benefit to your physical and mental health.

Make More Art:
Be A Producer:

The Economy Is About to Collapse! But, That Doesn’t Change Our Plans

People often wonder how our early retirement plan accounts for economic collapse or the bubble bursting. The short answer? We don’t account for collapse, however we do expect cycles of boom and bust.

In the video we discuss the 78 reasons why you shouldn’t have invested in the stock market over the last 100 or so years, and the one reason you should.

78 Reasons Link:

There Are No Short Cuts to Wealth


Health and wealth are two things you have to work hard to get and keep. There are no shortcuts to wealth. And if you find one, studies have shown you won’t have it for long.

In this video we talk a little bit about the Millionaire Next Door, and the 7 traits that most wealthy people share:

1.They live well below their means.
2.They allocate their time, energy and money efficiently in wealth building activities.
3.They belief financial independence is more important that displaying high status.
4/5.They did not inherit their wealth and their adult children are economically self sufficient.
6. They are great at selecting and seizing opportunity.
7. They chose the right occupation.

Study 1:
Study 2:
Mark Cuban:

Everyone Thinks About Money

People often assume we obsess over money. That’s actually pretty far from the truth. In fact, we propose you might think about money more than we do.

What’s more important is that you approach every financial decision from a place of strength and control, not weakness. In the video, we discuss a few reasons why our lifestyle lends itself to that mindset.