Tag Archives: engine

Tackling DIY A/C Repair

The dash air conditioning in our motorhome was broken and I saw there was a leak from the fitting going into the compressor. Everyone I called to fix it wanted to remove the 40 foot lines from the RV and take them to a shop to install the new fittings. This would have cost $400-500 dollars so I decided to fix the connector myself with the mastercool hyrda-krimp a/c crimping tool.

I needed to upgrade to the $300 dollar crimping tool because I wanted to do the work in the engine bay and not at a vise, but the cheaper ones work just as well.

The $140 dollar crimping tool:
My manifold gauge:
The more expensive crimping tool I bought:

Onan Generator Troubleshooting and Repair

The RV is still in the shop (long story) and the trailer is still being built, so I’m sort of in between projects. I worked on this Onan Marquis 7000 generator for a little extra money and thought it might be interesting to some of you.

Note: This is NOT the generator from our RV. This is from a stage trailer that my church bought.

When I got the generator it wasn’t running. Once I got it running it wouldn’t produce any power. It turned out the carbs were all gunked up, the voltage regulator was bad, and the brushes needed cleaning.