Monthly Archives: December 2016

Sofa/Dresser Idea…

Our first priority in the cargo trailer camper conversion is to make it easy to transition between the trailer, home, and hotels. I found “luggage shelves” that I think will eliminate the need to unpack everywhere we go.

The Dust Collector:

The Automatic Vacuum Switch:

The Luggage Shelves:

Back to Square One (and the Reason Why) | Cargo Trailer Camper Conversion

This week I move all the tools in the Ultimate Mobile Workshop into a temporary garage shop and strip the interior down to bare metal.

It seems crazy to take such a huge step backwards but I think this will save a lot of time in the long run.

Lark United Manufacturing:

Finalizing the FLOOR PLAN | Cargo Trailer Camper Conversion

I use cardboard boxes and painters plastic to get a feel for the full size floor plan of the new cargo trailer camper conversion (we need a better name – leave your ideas in the comments).

I also used a meter to test how much water is used in a typical RV shower and washing the dishes. It looks like our planned 50 gallon tanks are going to work, but only give us about 3 days off grid.

Link to the water meter I used: