Monthly Archives: October 2014

The One Project I Refuse to DIY

There’s only a handful of DIY projects I don’t like doing. Drywall finishing, window tint, and carpet installation. But I’ll still do them to save some money. After today, I’m never going to attempt one particular project again. Tire installation.

I ruined my scooter rim this morning because I didn’t want to pay the 20 bucks to have my new tire mounted by the professionals.

From now on I’ll be buying my tires online and taking the rims and tires to a professional to be mounted.

Polarizing Purchases | Buy Only What You Love

We mention all the time that our frugality isn’t a sacrifice for us. That’s because we buy only the things we truly love and cut everything else out of the budget.

Here’s a list of a few things we spend money on and a few things we couldn’t care less about.

A lot of this video was inspired(ripped off) from one of my favorite bloggers Tynan. He has an article called Polarizing Purchases where he describes how he is able to travel and buy (specific) nice things without the need for a “job.”

We have lived our lives pretty much the same way, buying only the things that are truly important to us.

3 FREE New York City Attractions | Not in Guidebooks



New York City is an amazing place with lots to see and do. After visiting all of the usual tourist attractions, try one of these 3 free stops that aren’t as well known.

We lived in midtown east for 3 years, right in the heart of Manhattan. After showing our friends around for the past week on our trip to NYC, we thought we’d share a few of our favorite “off the beaten path” spots.

Why the Rich Get Richer



Ever wonder why the rich keep getting richer. It’s not just because of the money they save, it’s also how they spend their money. Most people spending their money on liabilities like cars, electronics and oversized homes which not only cost money upfront, but require monthly spending to keep them maintained.

The rich also buy liabilities, but the they funnel some of their resources into income producing assets which generate more money for them. They put their dollars to work. Then they take some of that extra money and buy more assets. And on, and on…

How do you balance making more money and happiness? How are your dollars working for you?

Mixing Friends and Business | Mike and Lauren LIVE


After last week’s show, a lot of people had questions about going into business with friends. It just so happens we’re in New York City this week with 11 friends, so we decided to bring them on the air and talk about it!

We might not be the best examples, because we’ve never formally written any agreements down. But, if you want to know what the day to day is like settling arguments, changing direction, and dividing tasks, this is the show.


DIY Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener


We wanted to make our chickens easier to take care of by building our own automatic chicken coop door opener. Using a couple of parts off eBay, we’re able to set up a 12V door opening system complete with opener, battery, and solar panel.

Things didn’t go as planned in this episode because the light sensor switch, which would normally open the door at sunrise and close it at sunset would not work.

But we got a great start, and decided on a design for the chicken coop that looks like an aircraft hangar!

4 Money Mindsets That Keep You Broke


We got sidetracked making our 5 Dumbest Money Mistakes video and realized all financial mistakes are part of a larger issue. So we changed gears and started thinking about how our money “mindset” can either make us wealthy or broke.

The four money mindsets that will keep you broke are:

1. How much per month? vs How much?
2. Gambling your future.
3. Blaming someone else.
4. Ignoring that you have a problem.

Let us know if you can think of any others, or if you struggle with any of these!

Life with Mike | Business Failures, Frugality, Adventure | Mike and Lauren LIVE!

Our 2nd LIVE show! Every Tuesday at 8:30PM EST. Tonight we’re going to talk about life with Mike from Lauren’s perspective. How does she keep supporting my continual failed business attempts? Did she inherit my frugality?

Be sure to make comments in the comments section to the right of the video player on YouTube. Thanks!


Tricking Lauren into Buying a RV | Buying and Selling on Craigslist

Whenever there is an expensive hobby or vehicle I want to buy, I always tell Lauren I can find a way to make money from it. When I wanted to buy a RV, I made the same deal with her.

We bought a 1991 Toyota Winnebago Itasca for $3500, never used it, and then sold it for a $2800 profit. This is the story of how we did it.

Do You Have What It Takes to Retire Early?

After years of reading and studying people who have retired extremely early, I’ve discovered there are two common threads that seem to connect them all.

The first is the ability to think differently. Not just want something different, but honestly believe that there is an alternative out there and they are going to find it.

The second trait that holds up the first the the ability to not care what people think. I mean this in a good way, not a bad way. When you live life outside of the box, some people are going to react negatively to your choices.

If you drive an older car, people are going to assume you cant afford anything nicer. Early retirees have the self confidence to ignore backhanded insults like “you can’t take it with you when you die.”

In the video we talk about some of our own struggles with “looking poor” and how we’ve overcome them.