Tag Archives: mindset

How Do You View Money?

There are some people who seem to attract money and opportunities, and some people who work hard but never get ahead. Why is that? In this video we discuss the differences between viewing money from a position of weakness and a position of strength.

Ultimately money should not be the goal. Instead money is a tool to help you achieve what matters most to you.

How to Think About Money – https://goo.gl/0M2Ylk

4 Money Mindsets That Keep You Broke


We got sidetracked making our 5 Dumbest Money Mistakes video and realized all financial mistakes are part of a larger issue. So we changed gears and started thinking about how our money “mindset” can either make us wealthy or broke.

The four money mindsets that will keep you broke are:

1. How much per month? vs How much?
2. Gambling your future.
3. Blaming someone else.
4. Ignoring that you have a problem.

Let us know if you can think of any others, or if you struggle with any of these!