Tag Archives: save

Traveling the Most Expensive Country in the World on a Budget

This will be our last video about our trip to Norway. Since we share all of our financials in our monthly newsletter, we wanted to break down the costs of gear and travel in this video.

If you’re thinking about going to Norway, our number one tip is to avoid restaurants. Everything else is actually pretty reasonable. (Note: A lot of that has to do with the current exchange rate being more favorable than in the past.)

The Mythical 12% Return

Dave Ramsey says you can expect a 12% return from the stock market. Naysayers say you can expect zero and the economy is about to collapse. We say….it’s probably somewhere in the middle.

This is a follow-up to our unintentionally controversial video last week about the power of compound interest.

Why Don’t They Teach This in School? – https://goo.gl/kAYaEM
IndexView – https://thume.ca/indexView/
Mr. Money Mustache 7% – https://goo.gl/fz18DG
Simple Dollar 7% – https://goo.gl/xyvTuf

If We Woke up in Debt | Fix Your Finances

How would we get out of debt if we woke up one day with student loans and a credit card balance? By taking extreme measures to cut spending and earn extra income.

We discuss everything from cutting up our (hypothetical) credit cards to selling our excess furniture and gadgets on craigslist. Although it’s easy to stand on the sidelines and say “that’s what I would do,” we hope this is a help to someone out there.

Fix Your Finances – Series Introduction

Our most requested video topic is basic personal finance. In this new video series we want to cover the fundamentals of managing your money with simple explanations that anyone can understand.

Topics will include:
Credit Cards
Living Below Your Means
Getting Out Of Debt
Emergency Funds
Insurance (Health and Life)
And many others!

Let us know if the comments which topics you’d like covered so we can add it to the list!