Tag Archives: stock market

There’s a MAJOR stock market crash coming! – Stock Series Ep. 1 w/ Jim Collins

In this 10 part video series, Jim Collins shares his advice about investing in the stock market. He’s been investing for over 40 years and financially independent for 25.

Today’s topic: Why you should expect several major stock market crashes in your lifetime and that’s OK 🙂

Should the Government Force People to Save for Retirement?

The United Kingdom is phasing in a new law that requires business owners to automatically enroll their employees in a retirement plan. Do you think there should be something similar in the United States?

In this video we discuss the pros and cons of auto-enrollment, the longevity of social security, and the psychological barriers of investing in the stock market.

Further Reading:
Why Saving Money is So Hard – https://goo.gl/ImK4cD
Small Business Stats – https://goo.gl/tWidzy
NPR Article – https://goo.gl/50j91a
Bankrate Survey – https://goo.gl/OM9yf8

Investing for Teenagers

We were thrilled with all of the questions we got from teenagers wanting to invest in the stock market after our last video. Instead of answering everyone individually, we decided to make a video about it!

In the video we discuss how we would invest in the stock market if we were under 18. Keep in mind, we’re not qualified to give you this kind of advice. We just remember being young and confused. All we wanted was someone to spell out ONE WAY of investing, just to show how it works.

UPDATE: You need what’s called a “custodial account” at vanguard if you’re under 18. You have to call them to set it up.

More Info: https://personal.vanguard.com/us/insights/article/teen-roth-072014

Why Don’t They Teach This in School – https://goo.gl/wrDl29
12% Returns – https://goo.gl/y1XZJf
Vanguard – www.vanguard.com
Further Reading – https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/

The Mythical 12% Return

Dave Ramsey says you can expect a 12% return from the stock market. Naysayers say you can expect zero and the economy is about to collapse. We say….it’s probably somewhere in the middle.

This is a follow-up to our unintentionally controversial video last week about the power of compound interest.

Why Don’t They Teach This in School? – https://goo.gl/kAYaEM
IndexView – https://thume.ca/indexView/
Mr. Money Mustache 7% – https://goo.gl/fz18DG
Simple Dollar 7% – https://goo.gl/xyvTuf

Investing for Beginners

We don’t talk about investing for the first time enough. We take for granted that investing in the stock market has become second nature to us. There is also a lot of bad information out there on YouTube.

So, we decided to make a quick overview of the basics of investing. Instead of explaining everything all in one video, we describe how we invest in the stock market and have links below so you can read more about each step:

Can Everyone Retire A Millionaire? https://goo.gl/xmJbno
The 4% Rule – https://goo.gl/4kW3zS
Pay Yourself First – https://goo.gl/Q5AyrD
Automate Your Finances – https://goo.gl/unc3Zc
Why We Chose IRA – https://goo.gl/JF27H3
IRA vs. Roth IRA vs. 401k – https://goo.gl/qD5yBh
Why Vanguard – https://goo.gl/ZoSp6a
Why Index Funds – https://goo.gl/GO1Sy6
Why Index Funds, Again – https://goo.gl/kj0i3E
The Stock Market Always Goes Up – https://goo.gl/1TJWtP

The Economy Is About to Collapse! But, That Doesn’t Change Our Plans

People often wonder how our early retirement plan accounts for economic collapse or the bubble bursting. The short answer? We don’t account for collapse, however we do expect cycles of boom and bust.

In the video we discuss the 78 reasons why you shouldn’t have invested in the stock market over the last 100 or so years, and the one reason you should.

78 Reasons Link:

How We Invest in the Stock Market

This is how we invest our own money in the stock market. ?For more information about our investment philosophy check out:

A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (Tenth Edition)

Jim also wrote a good intro to investing that he calls his “stock series.”

If you have any questions, leave a comment below!