Tag Archives: investments

Why Don’t They Teach This in School?!?

This morning we realized we’ve never shared the most important thing we’ve ever learned about money. I was 17 when I first heard about compound interest from Dave Ramsey and it’s the reason we care about personal finance today.

In the video we explain why it’s so important for young people to learn about the magic (and danger) of compound interest. Even 5 or 10 years can mean a difference of millions of dollars.

Please share this story with anyone who you think might need to hear it 🙂

Dave Ramsey Article: https://goo.gl/00EKYf

Why $420,000 Dollars?

We’ve talked about what retirement means to us before, but we’ve never really addressed how we came up with $420,000 dollars as our target early retirement nest egg.

In this video we discuss why we chose $420k, why it’s probably not enough, and why that’s OK. Hopefully it answers some of your questions.

Retire Comfortably? https://goo.gl/ufZFR7
What Retirement Means To Us – https://goo.gl/VAeXfx
4% Rule – https://goo.gl/3LdxFy
Internet Retirement Police – https://goo.gl/eKdVmS

How To Retire Early – Our Plan for Financial Independence

Want to know why we do the things we do? Our goal is retire extremely early by saving 75% of our income. If you’re interested in financial independence definitely check out Mr. Money Mustache (link below).

You don’t need a high income to retire early. But, you are going to need to give up a lot of “things” for financial freedom. Some people think living without luxury isn’t living, we think living without time isn’t living. We just want people to know they’re making a choice.

Mr. Money Mustache Article

