Tag Archives: glacier

Why Norway? (Road Trip 2015)

Many of you were probably wondering, of all the places in the world to travel, why Norway? Initially it was because we found round trip tickets for $375 and wanted to see the northern lights.

But after going it ended up being one of the best trips of our lives. We tried to capture just a few unforgettable moments in this video.

Glacier Hike – https://goo.gl/3uvW4l

We Climbed a GLACIER!

WE’RE BACK!!! We had an amazing trip and didn’t plan on posting a video today, but as we were sorting through our GoPro footage, the clips just fell into place. We had an opportunity to hike up a glacier in Jostedalsbreen National Park, Norway.

As it happened, we got a private tour of the glacier with our own guide for about an hour longer than normal. It was the real deal with ice crampon shoes, pick axes, harnesses, ropes etc.

Yes, Lauren is 4 months pregnant in this video but the guides were confident she would be fine. She was glad they let her come because it was a once in a lifetime experience!

Videos should resume as normal shortly 🙂