I got tired of seeing the commercials for Samsung’s Family Hub refrigerator with the cameras inside, so I decided to make my own. I used a Raspberry Pi and USB webcam to take a picture inside our fridge and upload it.
Whenever the door opens, a light sensor triggers the a simple program I wrote to take a picture and upload it via FTP to our website. Total cost was about $80 dollars.
See what’s in our fridge!
Parts I Used (Amazon Affiliate)
Webcam – https://amzn.to/1ZMaJvg
Raspberry Pi – https://amzn.to/1tt1wOx
Light Sensor – https://amzn.to/28zYI1Z
SD Card – https://amzn.to/28zYg3H
Keyboard and Mouse – https://amzn.to/1tt1LsV
Download the python program: