Tag Archives: hobby

How Much Is Your Free Time Worth?

Is it easy or hard for you to turn down overtime at work? Do you value your free time the same as your hourly wage? We don’t think it’s that simple. In this video we go over the 3 questions we ask ourselves before spending a lot of time on something:

1. Is the time spent pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant?
2. Will the time spent make you a better person?
3. Will the time spent contribute to learning to skills or physical activity?

If the answer is “yes” to any of those three questions, then we feel it doesn’t necessarily need to yield a positive financial gain. What do you think?

Turning Hobbies into Profit – Another Craigslist Score…

After purchasing our Mercedes 300CD last week, we thought it would be fun to look into building a teardrop trailer for camping around the US. As these things usually happen, a deal to good to pass up presented itself on craigslist.

For $300 dollars, we purchased a half finished Big Woody Teardrop Camper complete with cherry plywood walls, and mahogany trim.

We weren’t really looking for a project, Mike was researching teardrop camping, and it just turned up…

Follow along as we finish building our tiny camper, fix up the Mercedes diesel, and hit the open road!